Friday, November 2, 2007

About StarNet
"About us" in a nutshell, or preferrably...
Freeborn of the Yahshua's Alliance of Heaven & Earth

TARA's Little Leatherette Library:
Golden Eggs; Resurrection Booklets; Sound Byte Biblettes;
4~M&M's Mission~Star Net Ministry~TARA Pub.

Foundation for Life Truth Birthright
"Establishment of Religious Faith"

Greetings! from our 'kid friendly' Star~Net Celestial Cyber~Cyte!
Even from which Spiritual Israel may procure (useful info~etc.):
Concerning the Noble Effort: Saving Precious Lives for Eternity's Promise;
Perpetuation of Life & Truth, for Salvation unto Eternal Life, of Humankind;
for Yahwist Nazarenes & all Yah's Little Ones...

C h a r t e r
For the literary Education of Spiritual Israel, by M&M's StarNet...
pertaining to the Nazarene, his Message to All Humankind, even which message is encapsulated in holy Writ, and also which is born of the holy Spirit of Life & Truth:
~ even pertaining to the Second Advent of this Nazarene;
~ even pertaining to End Times & Last Days prophesies; and...,
~ pertaining to the 10 Commandments (including 2nd & 4th);
~and to the Restoration of the Sacred Names of Elohim: even Yahweh, and His chosen Yahshua (Yeshua/Joshua) who is the Nazarene (and never was that "Jesus" fabricated by the prophetic pagan 'Romans~Babylonians~Egyptians'): even pertaining to the differentiation of the true Living Savior, from Satan's feaux~savior (Tammuz, or "Iesus of Rome") who unfortunately happens to be the Anti~Christ of the Biblically prophetic "Abomination";
~even for the spiritual & corporeal preservation of Nazarenes. M&M's

Emancipation Proclamation of the Cosmic Freeborn
The Spirit of Life, even the First Authority of Cosmos, our singular Creator~Deity and Father of the Cosmic Freeborn, establishes the Cosmos and it's Lawful Spiritual Order, even by means of His First Witness who is Yahshua the Nazarene, who is ordained even by this First Cosmic or Universal Authority, to be acting Governor of the Earth, even in the New Jerusalem which is established as the Eternal Central Seat of Authority, i.e. the Cosmic Capital, for the universal and infinite domain of the Freeborn Citizens of Heaven & Earth.
This First Witness of the First Cosmic Authority here proclaims the Creator's Purpose in Earthling Mankind, even the fulfillment of our personal and collective human potential.

This First Witness here proclaims the establishment of Conscience and Birthright of all Freeborn Cosmic Citizens, even the Right to Eternal Life, and autonomous Equal Authority of all Citizens of this Empire of Life.

This First Witness here proclaims the establishment and education of Conscience, even by means of the Moral Code (the Ten Commandments of YHWH and the "two" Commandments of Yahshua the Nazarene): to love our Creator wholly, and our fellows, and ourselves, in the Earth; to the End, personal and collective fulfillment of our human potential, even of all Living Freeborn Cosmic Citizens, forever and ever, in our splendid Universe, in Yahweh's Eternal Reality.~kmy (2006) Visions of Eternity

Freedom, the Tie that Binds~kmy
What is the mysterious power which binds us so securely to Yahshua of Nazareth? What is the passion of our hearts that so inspires our faith which binds Messiah to us?

Freedom must be the passion of our hearts which binds us to our secure faith in our Redeemer. It is Freedom which is established in the Sanctuary, and Freedom's Advocate who is stationed before the Golden Vault, in a Cloud of Glory! The Mind and Heart meet, on Freedom's threshold. Freedom is the language of Messiah, and of the Heart of earthling Mankind.
We who come to Messiah realize it is by way of the Heart, and oftentimes in spite of the Intellect. Intellect may testify of Truth, but our heart's passion testifies of our all conclusive love for Freedom. Who values true Freedom values Yahshua, who shed his blood for Freedom's cause. To the ranks of the Freeborn therefore, Messiah is synonymous with Freedom. And by his love for Freedom he has secured our hearts forever, for she is our truest passion. This is the tie that binds us to Yahshua. It is the tie that binds Head to Heart, Intellect to Conscience, and it is this passion of the heart which overcomes Ego. As we cannot deny this passion, neither therefore can we deny Yahshua. We cannot deny the Authority of Freedom, and we know in Freedom is no subjugation.

Who hesitates before Messiah hesitates before Freedom and Conscience. For this is the Love of Yah, in Messiah Yahshua, even the establishment of the Authority of Freedom for all. Yahshua is the High Priest of Freedom, in Freedom's Sanctuary. YHWH would that His children all be Free. As I love Freedom, so I love the Liberator who is Yahshua (Yeshua~Joshua), the First Witness and Archangel of Freedom. And this Freedom is the most precious and priceless pearl which inspires our faith in Life & Truth. The heart and mind are witnesses to the Self, that Yahshua is from our Creator who has hidden this passion for Freedom in our hearts and then who gave us a Liberator who knows exactly where the Treasure is buried.
How else would anarchist Mankind be succored into this binding Faith, unto death, in one obscure Jewish man? For Mankind would die free, rather than live, a slave. We know Yahshua is no threat to our essential Freedom, and rather establishes Freedom, even establishing us in this Freedom, with due respect to our essential Self. And so by faith, even in our essential Freedom, do we adhere to the alliance with the Advocate of Freedom, and even with each other. But it is Ego, the enslaver of Intellect, the denier of Conscience and the usurper of Freewill, who disdains to subscribe to Freedom and it's First Advocate. But the Alien Slaver perpetuates it's myth of Rank and Status in order to elevate itself above Earth's freeborn, whom it designates to be it's obedient slaves. Nevertheless, if we will not have Yahshua, then our Egos will have us. Then we must remain content within the ranks of the Shades Charon ferries 'ore the river Styx, unto Oblivion.~kmy ('06) Visions of Eternity~

A Broken Law~kmy
We Were, All of Us, Made for Love!
Love is the thread of Truth with which the entire fabric of Yah's Eternal Reality is made. It is the very essence of the unchanging spiritual Law of Life, of the ultimately powerful Sovereign of Existence who is the First Authority of Life & Truth, and Love's original Author.
If any transgress Love in any point, being either contrary or irresponsible to Love, one is guilty of transgressing the entire Law of Life, thus the fine fabric of Yah's Reality is rent.

Love is Truth, and so is the Way of Life. Violation of Love is Falsehood and so naturally is the Way of Death. Any who pursue Truth, pursue Life, but those who pursue Falsehood will inevitably embrace Death. When Love is scorned, Death ensues.

Thus death/nonexistence is the end result of violation of this great, unchanging spiritual Law of Life, and is the condemnation of the chronic abuses of Love. Who of us can honestly say that we have always been consistent with this great spiritual Law of Love?

Nevertheless, as Love is the foundation and fabric of the great Law of Life, it's Author, YHWH Himself, can only be and is true to such. And so therefore His Mercy, which is born of His Love, must and does exceed the unhappy fate of Condemnation (of death) to which we all must succumb. Such Mercy is the excellent Grace of our Maker.~kmy ('06) Visions of Eternity~

Universal Birthright of Cosmos' Freeborn
Who is Not In Love is Not in Elohim,
For the Spirit is Love & the Author thereof!
Ten Commandments of Yahweh (Deut. 5:7-21/KJV);
Spiritual Law of Love, Life & Truth

1. Thou shalt have none other Elohim (deities) before Me.

2. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them...;

3. Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh thy El, in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain (for nought or nothing).

4. Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as Yahweh thy El hath commanded thee. Six days thou shalt labour and do all thy work, but the Seventh Day is a Sabbath unto YHWH thy El; (in it) thou shalt not do any work ...;

5. Honor thy father and thy mother, as Yahweh thy El hath commanded thee, that ye may live long in the land.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Neither shalt thou commit adultery.

8. Neither shalt thou steal.

9. Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.

10. Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife (and/or kids), neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox or his ass, or anything that is thy neighbor's.

ESTABLISHED: Name/Conscience; BOUND: Word/Truth; SECURED: Will/Life

Documents & Artifacts in the Most Holy Room
Dare We Peek Past the Misty Veil, And Peer Into the Consuming Vault?
The Ten Commandments, in the Golden Ark, under the Seat of Mercy: The inscribed Tablets of Stone, bearing witness to the Moral Code of the Supreme Cosmic Authority. Such illuminates the Law of Life, establishing our divinely ordained Right to Life & Freedom, Conscience & Sovereignty of Mind, Freewill & Equal Authority: our Birthright in Life & Truth.

The Law and the Prophets: The written testaments of Moses ("Torah"), containing the Plans for Yah's Sanctuary and it's Services; which illustrate the Work of Yahshua the High Priest, even the Plan of Salvation: bearing witness to the First Authority of Life & Truth who is our Maker; and to the First Witness of our Creator Deity, which Witness is Yahshua (the Nazarene), Yah's living Word, granted by this YHWH to proclaim and establish in Life and Cosmos, the Word & Will of this First Cosmic Authority, even in the Earth as well as in the Heavens, to all Humankind and angels/messengers of YHWH, alike; and also Yahshua's destiny, proclaiming that he shall bind Heaven and Earth, and shall sit in the Central Seat of Authority in the New Earth, even in the NEW Jerusalem, forever; and bearing witness to this Sanctuary and Covenant (and to their function or purpose), so he is bearing witness to the Establishment of Cosmic Justice, Mercy and Pardon, in the Universe and in the Earth, even for all Freeborn Cosmic Citizens.

Included here likewise, the Words of the Prophets of Israel, proclaiming the intention of YHWH, in the Earth and Cosmos, beforehand; plus the History of the Hebrew people of Yah.

Thus such aforementioned documents establish our Cosmic Birthright in Life & Truth, forever; so therefore is the Love of YHWH established, even in our high esteem always, even that our Faith in Him be accomplished by Him, in His precious Son, the Nazarene.

Artifacts in the Most Holy Room
Staff or Rod of Aaron: symbol of authority over flock, i.e. over Israel.

Manna from Heaven -- symbol of Life & Truth, "Bread of Life" and symbol of Savior to Come. Both (above) items stored in Ark (manna, in a jar) along with Inscribed Stone Tablets of Yahweh's Spiritual Law.

Five Books of Moses~Torah = testimony of Yahweh's Plan of Salvation, besides Mosaic or Hebrew Law, are NOT stored with the Tablets or Ten Commandments, within the Ark under the Seat of Mercy (Deut. 31:26 ~ placement of "Torah" in SIDE of Ark). Still, they are kept in the Most Holy Room as the Testimony of Yah's Love and Mercy, illustrated in His Plan of Salvation, that we may behold and embrace Saving Truth. ~kmy

Yahweh's Holy Festivals which pertain to Yah's Plan of Salvation (not mandatory)
1. Passover (or "Pesach"): Springtime of the year, on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (March/April). A "High Sabbath": sacrificing of pet lamb for feast dinner (seder), which lamb is significant of the Savior, sacrificed for Israel's salvation. Celebration significant of Israel's escape from Egypt's last deadly plague upon their firstborn.

2. Feast of Unleavened Bread (or "Pesach Week"): Springtime of the year; festival that follows the High Sabbath Day of Passover/Pesach, with a second High Sabbath and seder (feast meal), and stretching on to the 22nd of Nisan; significant of Israel's escape from Egypt, when they could not make bread with leaven.

3. Feast of Weeks (or "Shavout"): in the Summertime of the year, in the Hebrew month of Sivan (May/June); significant of thanksgiving time at the end of springtime harvest.

4. Feast of Trumpets (or "Rosh Hashana"): in the fall of the year; in the Hebrew month of Tishrei (Sept/Oct); a New Year celebration, even a week of celebration/festival, beginning with Trumpets, ending in a grand finale' of the:

5. Day of Atonement (or "Yom Kippur"): in the Fall of the year, in the Hebrew month of Tishrei (Sept/Oct) when the Sanctuary High Priest enters the Most Holy Room (once a year) to sprinkle lamb's blood upon the Seat of Mercy, above the Golden Ark of Yah's Covenant, for the sake of Israel's Pardon (from sin); and when the "Scapegoat" (significant of Satan) is sent into the wilderness. Yah's highest ritual Sabbath of the year.

6. Feast of Tabernacles (or "Sukkot"): in the fall of the year, in the month of Tishrei (Sept/Oct); significant of the Exodus; Slaves out of Egypt, living in their Tent City, on the way to Israel from Egypt, in the Wilderness, after Hebrews' escape from Pharaoh/slavery.

7. High Sabbath after Feast of Tabernacles, Eighth Day, thereof: significant of Completion, of Judgment, of Resurrection, even Translation into (eternal body), even Overcoming Sin and the "Flesh," the World, and Satan (the Scapegoat), to inherit Eternity. note: The Hebrew Holy Days mentioned here, pertain to the ritual Sanctuary Service (which are significant of the Plan of Salvation), ordained by YHWH via. His servant Moses, for the Salvation of the People of Israel, even "spiritual Jews." The CHANUKA (Hanukkah) came later. ~kmy~Visions~

Last Will & Testament of our Heavenly Father Yahweh
Who is the Almighty Creator & Author of Life & Truth,
Even the One & Only Sovereign & First Authority of All Existence.
GRANTOR: Who is YHWH, Creator of Heaven and Earth, even of All Life in/and of Cosmos, Legal Owner of His Vast Universe and All therein; plus:

GRANTEE: Who is born of Earth and Heaven, in this Universal Domain of the Cosmic Kingdom of YHWH; even Earthling Man/Woman, i.e. YOU;

CONDITIONS of INHERITANCE for Children of Grantor: Faith, Trust, Loyalty, Humility, and Respect for Life & Truth; Love for YHWH:

1. Grantee must desire Eternal Life, even in the New Earth to come, in Yah's ordained Eternal City, the New Jerusalem, which is ordained to be the Central Seat of Cosmic Authority, in Yah's Universal Domain.

2. Grantee must hate Death and be willing to defy the Devil at all cost, even unto death, and believe in the Resurrection, to overcome the Second Death~Gehenna.

3. Grantee must familiarize him/herself with the Word and Will of YHWH who is this Grantor, never denying Saving Truth.

4. Grantee must willingly submit him/herself to the Superior Authority of his and her heavenly Grantor~Father, trusting in His superior Love for said Grantee; and said Grantee must submit him/herself to the authority of the Wisdom offered by this Grantor in His firstborn Son who is Yah's Legal Heir to the First Seat of Universal Authority in the New Jerusalem to come, even who is Yahshua (Joshua) the Nazarene, Prince of Eternity.

5. Grantee must bear his/her heavenly Father's true original name, YHWH~Yahweh, and Grantor's Son's true and original name whereby Grantee's singular and certain Inheritance shall be lawfully and legitimately Secured, which name in Hebrew (and Aramaic) is Yahshua, and in English is likewise pronounced Yahshua (Joshua~olde English form/Yeshua, with "vowel drift").

6. Grantee must by Baptism (of Water & Fire/Spirit) give Evidence before All Cosmic Beings and the Freeborn, of his/her Vindication of this Nazarene, and of his/her resolute Permission to this aforesaid Grantor and His firstborn Son and Heir (Yahshua), to accomplish this Grantor's 'holy work' in said Grantee, even the fulfillment of Grantee's human potential, even for Grantee's benefit and prosperity in Life & Truth, forever: that said Grantee may in due course thwart Entropy & permanently Secure this Birthright in Eternity, always and forevermore.

7. Grantee must Repent of his/her violations of Grantor's renowned Law of Life (Ten Commandments of YHWH) and offer Grantor's required and Lawful Restitution to Himself, which Restitution is Grantee's full and freewilled Submission to Grantor's "due process," i.e. the Plan of Salvation, for Lawful PARDON from said Cosmic Crimes against this offended Lawgiver and Grantor, that Righteousness may be imputed to said Grantee, which is the Righteousness of Messiah Yahshua (of Nazareth), even that said Grantee may lawfully Secure this promised BIRTHRIGHT of Inheritance in Life & Truth, in Perpetuity (eternally) in due course (as ordained), upon Grantee's inevitable decease (who, in the First Resurrection, at the beginning of the divinely ordained Time of Judgment of the Condemned, is thus "Saved" from out of the Earth): Grantee shall accomplish the prerequisites of this lawful Birthright/Contract (or Covenant) even by allying him/herself with the Legions of the Cosmic Freeborn of Heaven and Earth, who by their own freewill and personal authority have chosen to defend this, their Lawful Birthright, even defending this Grantor's renowned and perfect spiritual Cosmic Law, and to instruct the Children of Earth according to this worthy Birthright and it's prerequisites herein described, in the name of said Grantor, and in the name of His firstborn Son and Original Heir who is ordained by said Grantor to be Grantor's First Witness, and said Grantee's singular Savior, besides the perpetual Governor of Earth and Cosmos.

8. Said Grantee is made to LOVE, by said Grantor, our Heavenly Creator~Father, that Grantee may fulfill his/her fullest human potential in Life & Truth, and in his/her divinely ordained Destiny in Eternity. Therefore said Grantee must learn to adapt to Love, learning to apply love to all who willfully Repent and offer lawful Restitution to this offended Grantor, and to His Lawgiver (who is Grantee's Eternal Brother): Grantee must learn to apply Love to all who may prove to be prospects for Salvation and potential Recruits for this Holy Alliance, who may be the Disaffected of Satan's (even Grantee's family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, & enemies), grantee's valuing their only opportunity for immortality, and so helping in the preservation of their Eternal Bodies by Salvation from the Second Death; and Grantee must apply him/herself, even to learn to love him/herself/Elohim even by habitually respecting oneself and this Grantor who is his/her Benefactor and Sustainer, even by upholding and honoring this Grantor's Commandments (Cosmic Law), illuminating this Law of Life for Any and All born of Earth.
your name here..................................................................................X
YHWH's Promise is of Hope 4 Life beyond our Mortality 2 thwart Entropy!
We are made 4 Love: w/out, we fail in Life &Truth.

* * * Certificate of Baptism * * *
In the Congregation of the Fellowships of the Nazarene,
Of the Holy Alliance of the Freeborn of Heaven & Earth.

On This Day of .................................................................................X
In the Community of ........................................................................X
In the State of...................................................................................X
In the Nation of ...............................................................................X
and Any Other Special Circumstance................................................X
X..................................................Is Here Formally Baptized in Water,
In Preparation for Baptism by Fire,
Even According to the Custom of John the Baptist,
Cousin of the Nazarene;
Into This Peculiar Faith of this Nazarene,
By His/Her Fellow Witnesses .............................................................X
Even in the Presence of All the Holy Messengers;
In The Restored True & Original Hallowed Names of Father & Son;
which Son forever Remains the Nazarene,
from Out of Galilee, Out of Israel;
In Order to Receive the Free Gift of the holy Spirit;
Even to Live, Forever, In the New Jerusalem;
By Decree of the First Cosmic Authority of Life & Truth,
Who is the Author of Love, & Source of Wisdom, in Cosmos;
Who Calls Himself YHWH, Creator & Sovereign of Cosmos!
* * * Yes! I Wanna Live Forever! * * *Halleluiah! A Brite New Star for Yahshua's Eternal Crown!

Survival of the Fittest is Survival of the Faithful!

After You Claim the Innocent Blood,
& Accept Thy Pardon,
Receiving Holy Instruction,
Offering Yourself to the Holy Alliance of Heaven & Earth,
According to Your Divinely Inspired Gifts & Abilities,

So Bear Witness to All the Earthborn,
of the Law of Life, & of Your Savior
Who is Yahshua of Nazareth,
Wellspring of Life & Truth;

& Go, Do Yahshua's Work,
and thus Save Thine Own Soul unto
Eternal Life in the New Jerusalem!

Return, Master Yahshua!

Who will cry for Thee in Kidron's Vale,
beyond Gehenna's Gate?

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