Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Breathing!

Happy Breathing!

Mike quit smoking only after he started using my Method: When my girlfriend was in the hospital, they gave her a potassium drip in her "IV", so she would not suffer from nicotine withdrawal. Well, potassium is easy to find in food, far easier than in pills.

And Vitamin C is great for eliminating toxins from the blood, such as nicotine. SO...

I gave him a banana which is loaded with potassium, and orange juice also loaded with potassium, to start the day: with plenty of vitamin C. Whenever he got a nicotine fit, when he was quitting, I gave him a banana (and some dates sometimes/also loaded with potassium), and 2,000 mgs. of Vitamin C (in 1,000 capsules -"Now Brand" has a good one, but you can get alot cheaper Ascorbic Acid-C, in 1000 mg caps, at

Every time he had a "fit", he got a banana and 2k of Vit C.
It WORKED! Relieved him of the nicotine fit, every time. Of course you can use other fruits, like watermelon I suppose, or papaya, or pineapple, or dates/raisins/plums/grapes, but bananas are most convenient and very high in potassium. I suppose you could find a list of high potassium fruits and vegies on the Internet, will post one after I find it!

Lemon Juice is good too, but the REFINED sugar in it is NOT good and directly causes Metabolic Syndrome. REFINED Sugar is not good, generally. We can get away with some, but it permeates American foodstuffs, and we have to be very careful to avoid foodstuffs laden with the poison. Natural sugars like fruit sugars/date sugar/raw honey, are ok, I don't get upset about them, still, one has to be careful to not overload our PANCREAS on a daily basis, so we can avoid Diabetes: which is a condition where the pancreas has been overloaded with sugars for many years and contributes to Heart Failure. (Smuckers has NO SUGAR jams with FRUIT ONLY!/yum!) Even worse than refined sugar, is the frighteningly dangerous HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, deadly as they come, if you have this routinely in your diet, look forward to Metabolic Syndrome: Heart Disease and Diabetes.

Also, we need to start reading labels and eliminate everything that has what is called "HYDROGENATED FATS" which are better known nowadays as "TRANS FATS," as deadly as any heat treated salad oil. The book, How to Fight Cancer and Win (Agora books/online!) tells all about heat and chemical treated salad and cooking oils: a Nobel Laureate, Joanna Budwig, who invented the electron microscope which revolutionized BIO-SCIENCE research, is well known in Europe for her crusade against the salad oil industry (really BIG Great Guild!), has researched that topic to death and has saved thousands from imminant death from Cancer and Heart Disease, because of her research and assistance!

Routine Sugar Overload over the years seems to be the Culprit in almost all cases of Diabetes, besides the many forms of Heart Disease, one can't avoid "Insulin Resistance" and Diabetes (also, coupled with the other sinister substances such as salad oil, over the years, Heart Diseases are unavoidable). Alcoholic drinks or alcoholic laden substances such as mouthwash/makeup cleaners, what have we, are all toxic: alcohol turns to sugar in the Liver, and overwhelms the Pancreas with Overwork, and causes what is called "insulin resistance" which leads directly to Diabetes and Heart Diseases/High blood pressure, etc etc etc. Recipe for ill health, drink all the booze you want! but of them all, beer is the most sinister, being CARBONATED, and because it seems so innocuous.

Happily, CAYENNE pepper (NOW brand has a good one, very strong; plus it has a cayenne/garlic, too, great for the liver, great for parasites too, they hate it and vinegar) is known now, to actually help a damaged Pancreas restore itself. Unheard in mainstream medicine, always try to routinely include Cayenne capsules in your dinner meals, or with fruit salads/cinnamon! You can get "CapsiCool" from Nature's Best, that is not as "hot," too!

It is best, if one wants to quit smoking entirely, forever, to always have a high potassium diet, this means bananas and orange juice daily more or less, or other high potassium fruits and fruit salads; and lots of fruits and vegetables. I will list my Chile Elote soup here later! Ideally it is nice to start the day with a fruit salad, with a little RAW honey and CINNAMON! Cinnamon keeps the blood sugar from "spiking!" So does Vinegar, curtail blood sugar "spiking"! Vinegar is useful for other things too, like keeping the body in a proper Acid Alkaline balance, essential for health (again, read Sang Whang's little twelve dollar book). It is always necessary even, to use vinegar in your raw vegie salads, as it inhibits ecoli and other bad bugs that sometimes collect on salad greens/ lettuce/ spinach/etc., from making you sick, as they cannot survive in vinegar. I always eat a pickle and/or lemon, with fish, for the same reason.

: whoever already has CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE and is on Pharmacutical Diuretics, one has to be careful about potassium, as it can overwhelm the kidneys and kill you (can't find my source material on this/will post if I find it!).

NEXT: if you have been smoking for years, you are going to need somewhat of a Hygenics Overhaul and plenty of Vitamin C to purify the blood and tissues: Smoking and drinking Colas or Beer, anything that is "carbonated" (fizzie drinks), and routinely using cooking or salad oil, you probably have what is not being called "Metabolic Syndrome" which is a combo of Heart Diseases of various sorts/with Diabetes or pre-diabetic condition. We all have it. I got it by using heat treated salad oils, and drinking yummie root beers for several years. The damage is severe, with fizzie drinks and cook/salad oils. Who would expect THAT? not even me. (to read about fizzy drinks: read up on...

Sang Whang's "Reverse Aging"/ (JSP Publishing/8888 S>W> 129th Terrace/Miami Florida-33176-5945//toll free: 1-888-261-0870)

So, I quit all fizzie drinks, and don't even smoke a roach anymore (eat it!!!, works better!), at least. To get rid of Metabolic Syndrome, and clear out our lungs, we need to take alot of Vitamin C, get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (raw!) and follow a "Hygenics" lifestyle. It's a LIFESTYLE! for the rest of our life. It's fun to learn and share, so don't fret, help is on the way!

I started long ago by reading Adelle Davis' book, "Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit", full of great advice, tho not entirely accurate and is rather dated. Still, most of what she said holds true even today in the face of superior laboratory and direct observation (tests over the years), especially that about Vitamin C (even to cure Pneumonia which pneumonia-bug can and will lead to Congestive Heart Failure if you have heart disease already (and maybe if you don't, too, the articles didn't mention THAT). I also read everything I could by Dr. Herbert Shelton of San Antonio Texas who actually was a great scientist/Dr. of Naturopathy, but rather unknown nowadays; and wound up lastly, with Sang Whang's book Reverse Aging, mentioned above. As this topic is extensive, so I started a Hygenics/Naturopathy group at Myspace, which has alot of information already, which there is no room here to post. Just look for it under Groups (I am StarNet/at Myspace). I gotta go, will post more later: have to get my files organized.

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